Thank you. And I’m sorry

 I wanted to post this after coming out. For me as I open my life to others I want to start off with this.


Thank you for supporting me as I challenge the energy of fear. As I step into my new role as a transgender activist I must acknowledge and thank the trans community for being so accepting and encouraging. Your strength inspires me, thank you. Before coming out I spoke to my dad and he said, “Girl, the truth is all you have. What are you waiting for?” Dad, thank you for being so good to me, your love and support means everything to me. I can step into my life purpose with confidence, knowing you have my back. To all my Indiana and LA family who are there every day to pick me up off the floor and fill me up with love: Thank you! I wouldn’t be here today without you. A big thanks to the ones who open their minds to the unknown and instead of living in fear, they educate themselves and learn we are not all alike but we are one. As a community we can unite and heal the world. Lastly, thank you to the people on this planet who respect our home, who appreciate and honor our beautiful planet. You fucking rock!

 I’m sorry to the trans community for not coming out sooner to support you. We have lost so many innocent lives because of ignorance and lack of awareness. I promise to live in my truth with my fullest power. I’m sorry to my family who had to deal with the shame of others knowing their kid was “different” it wasn’t easy raising me and I apologize for the ignorance of others. I’m sorry to all the guys I misled by not revealing my truth to you; your first impression and perception of me was a dream come true. It was so selfish of me to not tell you, but I greatly feared my truth might discourage you or push you away. The power of love and acceptance is the reason I held on for so long. It’s honestly why I’m still alive today. I’m sorry my love wasn’t enough, I’m sorry your ego won and both our souls lost. Lastly, I’m sorry I spent so many years mistreating our planet, taking everything it has to offer for granted. I promise to educate and inspire myself and others to treat you with kindness and appreciate all your natural recourse that nourish and heal us. 

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