Breathe Your Bad Day Away


Sometimes, we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe it was our thoughts before we went to sleep, or our dreams throughout the night. We begin our day with the wrong energy and then go through the day collecting negative energy to feed the thought, which allows this thought to build it’s story. That story, becomes your awful day.

Sometimes we go out, get a little too intoxicated, and do something we wouldn’t normally do. I’ve had my embarrassing moments in the past. Some days can just be awful. I remember getting dumped and fired on the same day! Now, that was an awful day, it also took two weeks to get over! Only if it could take one day of healing for a bad day, but unfortunately it usually takes longer for the human brain, depending on the situation. So my question is how do we get over our awful day? I know the universe is always striving for us to succeed and I believe sometimes even if we don’t like it, the universe will throw us a curve ball and literally jerk us away from the current path. When I was fired from my part time job and dating a guy who was connected to the job, it ended everything in my current path. At the time it was heart-wrenching, I felt angry and betrayed by the universe. Being where I am today, I now know why I had that awful day. I now know, the universe had something so powerful in store for me. I had been excited and comfortable for something too small. I was settling. I do believe we all start somewhere and we all have a purpose. I believe we should enjoy the journey. When you have an awful day just remember, it’s a very small part in a very big plan. It’s important to embrace change, allow the process to happen, and always stay in a positive state of mind.

Now back to how we can get over that day from hell! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The breath is powerful! It’s a natural way to heal, just like crying. This may sound silly, but try breathing your bad day away. Yup I said it! Take deep (deeeep) breaths and as you exhale visualize the day or problem blowing away. Imagine feeling lighter and refreshed. Keep doing this for about five minutes, just a few times a day. I promise you, your awful day from hell, will dissipate faster then you imagined.

Smile… It makes you happy!


Recently I’ve been going through something rather difficult. I looked for anything to help lift my spirits while trying to stay healthy and present through this challenging time. I found smiling works! It honestly makes me feel better. Yeah, at first it feels awkward, fake smiling, but try it while you are doing your morning routine. I’ve added it to my meditation and it has made a big difference.

Here are a few smiling benefits I have found!

  •  Better Mood – The endorphins do more than kick stress to the curb. Endorphins lift your mood. Feeling down? Slap a smile on your face, even if it isn’t entirely genuine at first, and turn your entire day around with something simple, easy to do, and free.
  • Reduce Stress – Stress is a common problem in the modern world that causes a myriad of health problems. Stress relief may be as simple as smiling a little more throughout the day. Smiling releases endorphins that counteract and diminish the stress hormones
  • Increase Productivity – Smiling has been shown to increase productivity while performing tasks. There’s truth to the “whistle while we work” mentality. This also explains why silly internet memes and pictures of cute animals can actually get people motivated and working harder after a few moments of smiling or laughter.
  • Kill Pain – Smiling and laughter both have been shown to lessen pain. They release endorphins that lift our moods, but many of these act as natural painkillers too.
  • Boost Immune System – Smiles help the body relax and this lets the immune system react more quickly and effectively against invaders.

To see more benefits of smiling check out



My Specialty… Vegan Breakfast Burrito

Vegan Breakfest Burrito

This delicious Breakfast burrito is my go to favorite! I also serve it when i host brunch,  my friends love it! Sometimes I add my favorite “Light Life Gimme Lean” vegan sausage (found at whole foods)

Let me know what you think!


  • Vegan tortilla wrap
  • Red Bell pepper
  • Yellow Onion
  • Avocado
  • Potato (hash-brown, rice or Vegan sausage)
  • Your favorite Hot Sauce


  • Slice 1/3 Peppers, onions and avocado
  • Sautee Peppers and onions in easy olive oil or coconut oil
  • add starch (potatoes, brown rice, or Vegan Sausage)
  • add hot sauce (I love Crystal Louisiana’s pure hot sauce)
  • Cook for an extra 2 minutes to combine the flavor
  • Pile Veggies/starch over your Vegan tortilla wrap
  • Add fresh avocado and or Vegan Sour cream
  • Wrap and enjoy!
Posted in Let's Get Clean, Plant Based Recipes, Recipes - Tagged

Five Ways to Stillness

Have you ever just sat in stillness? Stillness is that broad, quiet, peaceful place in-between your thoughts and The Universe. Even just sitting in stillness for a minute feels like a mini vacation. Too often do we work too hard or play too much, running ourselves into the ground. We let the loud noise in our heads control our thoughts and emotions that ultimately run our lives. We become that crazy, mad person we made fun of as children.
Stillness is my ticket to serenity; for myself, yoga was my stillness in motion, I had a chance to tap into that peaceful stillness once a day for a full hour. As I started my training to become a yoga teacher, my practice became work. I had to memorize the sequence over and over, so there was no stillness for me until I finished my 200 hours and received my certificate. The thing that was once my escape to stillness, was now just another item on my hectic work schedule. I also picked up a part time job to help pay for the yoga training.
With two jobs, yoga training, and little to no stillness, I ended up over working myself into a cold. As I sit here sipping on my favorite white rose tea with tissues scattered everywhere, looking like a hot mess…I think to myself, what do I need? Lunch with the girls? Sex with the boy? My favorite vegan lemon tomato soup? I was looking for that instant feel good fix, but my body needed more. It needed me to slow down and it needed me to shut off those nonstop thoughts in my head. I needed stillness! I got out my lavender oil, energy healing crystals, and turned on my meditation music. I finally just sat there in beautiful, peaceful stillness. I felt utter relaxation for the first time in months, I felt free.
stillness (countable and uncountableplural stillnesses)
1.     The quality or state of being still; quietness; silence; calmness; inactivity.
Five ways to help you achieve stillness.
Lavender Oil
It helps relax the mind and body, making it easier to be in stillness.
A mantra is a word or phrase repeated over and over again during meditation. This helps quiet the mind to deepen the stillness.
Here are a few:
1. “Aum” –The “Om” is the sacred sound of Hinduism and is said to mean, variously: It Is, Will Be or To Become.
2. “I Am” I am love, I am open.
3. “Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.” – Laura Silva
Gemstones and Crystals                                              
 It’s a fact we are made of energy, scientists have proven crystals are made of lots of powerful healing energy, which is why they are a good tools to use while achieving stillness.
Calming Blue Stones
Such as aquamarine, blue calcite, and turquoise. It will help clear the mind and calm the body.
Purple and Clear Stones
Such as amethyst, clear quartz and charoite can aid one in reaching a higher state of consciousness.
 For more go to
Natural sounds like nature, water or meditation music helps set the mood and calm the mind. Pandora has free meditation stations. Also there are free sleep sound apps.
The Sunset
Slap on some SPF and go sit in the sun for fifteen minutes. Not only is it a great way to get vitamin D, but the sun’s energy is calming and relaxing. The best time to use the sun is during a sunset which is not as harsh as a 12:00 sun.
 “Stillness is freedom.” -Billie Lee