Recently I’ve been going through something rather difficult. I looked for anything to help lift my spirits while trying to stay healthy and present through this challenging time. I found smiling works! It honestly makes me feel better. Yeah, at first it feels awkward, fake smiling, but try it while you are doing your morning routine. I’ve added it to my meditation and it has made a big difference.
Here are a few smiling benefits I have found!
- Better Mood – The endorphins do more than kick stress to the curb. Endorphins lift your mood. Feeling down? Slap a smile on your face, even if it isn’t entirely genuine at first, and turn your entire day around with something simple, easy to do, and free.
- Reduce Stress – Stress is a common problem in the modern world that causes a myriad of health problems. Stress relief may be as simple as smiling a little more throughout the day. Smiling releases endorphins that counteract and diminish the stress hormones
- Increase Productivity – Smiling has been shown to increase productivity while performing tasks. There’s truth to the “whistle while we work” mentality. This also explains why silly internet memes and pictures of cute animals can actually get people motivated and working harder after a few moments of smiling or laughter.
- Kill Pain – Smiling and laughter both have been shown to lessen pain. They release endorphins that lift our moods, but many of these act as natural painkillers too.
- Boost Immune System – Smiles help the body relax and this lets the immune system react more quickly and effectively against invaders.
To see more benefits of smiling check out