The Cool Kid


 The journey to self-love brings you down a dark alley of emotional energy like shame, guilt and abandonment. If I want to fully love myself I must begin where it all started.

 My name is Billie Lee and I am transgender. I was born and raised as a boy. As a child I was forced to play the male role: “Billie, hold your fork more like a boy,” “Billie, only sissies walk like that.” I honor my parents for what they knew. They were only trying to protect me with the knowledge they were given. After being taken in and out of school, misdiagnosed with childhood depression and OCD, my parents just assumed I would turn out gay. I was shocked to learn after all the times being sent home crying for feeling too feminine for a boy’s body no one diagnosed me as transgender. A part of me is pissed, I want to scream, “Who was in charge? Did anyone give a fuck?”

 Of course, now I know not everyone knew about gender identity issues, especially in a small Midwest town. After leaving my hometown and discussing my gender identity issues with a therapist, I immediately started the physical transformation which began with lots of hormones and ended with major surgeries. I flew all over the world to see the best of the best. Vagina in Thailand, nose and lip-lift in Beverly Hills. I wanted to look like me, not some girl who had a lot of plastic surgery. During any transformation in life you are vulnerable, like an open wound just waiting to heal. Most trans people, including myself, deal with a lot of bullying, which I thought would be over after high school. But during my awkward transformational stages I was beat up by society. I couldn’t get a job for over a year, and dating was not even an option. I felt all the doors close and it was extremely lonely.

 As the healing ended and I was forced to face the world as me, Billie Lee, a beautiful woman, I was so shocked at all the possibilities. Every door just opened up for me, it was as if the red carpet was rolled out. Job opportunities were everywhere, boys were lined up. I thought, “Wow, society finally accepts me! I’ve finally made it!” I literally walked around, and still do, amazed by what my beauty does for me. As society accepted me as a woman, I thought, “This is the dream! I’m finally the cool kid on the block.” No one questioned anything.

 I learned that in the trans community, that’s called “passing,” so I did what any cool kid would do: I hid everything that wasn’t cool. I took my past along with the transition and locked it up in a box and I hid it in that dark alley where no one would find it. With the help of a very well-known therapist, I acted as if I was a natural-born woman. As I started to live my new life I would find myself connecting with people, but once it got to a deep level I would bounce. Staying too long could result in them finding out.

 Every decision I made to cover up my past was taking me further away from myself. A few years would go by and I found myself knee-deep in judgment and rejection. It started with an instant connection. I’ve never felt my heart space open so quickly. He was a deep, beautiful soul with amazing power. I thought, “This is the guy I can tell everything to.” I was almost certain he would understand my past, so I told him. His reaction started with shock, then a deep silence, and I felt the fear enter the room like a creepy serial killer. His first words were, “I’ll never look at you the same. Never.” He rejected me so harshly I was left split open, raw, on my kitchen floor for days. I didn’t want to leave my apartment, I was so devastated.

 During this dark time I realized I was so ashamed of who I was! I had no self-love! All the love I was getting was from an outside source who didn’t even know the real me! After three more rounds of being harshly rejected and left on the kitchen floor, I realized I was insane. I was doing the same thing over and over, hoping and expecting a different outcome. What other way is there? Being honest? Should I scream it? Wait, maybe I’ll get a tattoo that says, “Hi, I’m transgender!” Would all my cool kid powers vanish?

 As I lifted myself off the floor I knew I needed healing. I attached myself to every spiritual person I knew and I lived in my local spiritual bookstore, reading every self-help book I could find. I started to notice a massive shift in who I was becoming. I started asking, “Who am I? Who am I?” I started being honest with people around me, and they accepted me! I’ve learned over the years we are just reflections of each other! The guys I was dating had trouble with me being transgender because I was having trouble with it! Fear attracts fear! My world was raining “Aha!” moments. I knew what I had to do. I knew I needed to love myself first before anyone else would love me. My dream is not to be a woman who blends in with society so she’s accepted, my new dream is to fully embrace my true authentic self, and honor and love her fully.

Breathe Your Bad Day Away


Sometimes, we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe it was our thoughts before we went to sleep, or our dreams throughout the night. We begin our day with the wrong energy and then go through the day collecting negative energy to feed the thought, which allows this thought to build it’s story. That story, becomes your awful day.

Sometimes we go out, get a little too intoxicated, and do something we wouldn’t normally do. I’ve had my embarrassing moments in the past. Some days can just be awful. I remember getting dumped and fired on the same day! Now, that was an awful day, it also took two weeks to get over! Only if it could take one day of healing for a bad day, but unfortunately it usually takes longer for the human brain, depending on the situation. So my question is how do we get over our awful day? I know the universe is always striving for us to succeed and I believe sometimes even if we don’t like it, the universe will throw us a curve ball and literally jerk us away from the current path. When I was fired from my part time job and dating a guy who was connected to the job, it ended everything in my current path. At the time it was heart-wrenching, I felt angry and betrayed by the universe. Being where I am today, I now know why I had that awful day. I now know, the universe had something so powerful in store for me. I had been excited and comfortable for something too small. I was settling. I do believe we all start somewhere and we all have a purpose. I believe we should enjoy the journey. When you have an awful day just remember, it’s a very small part in a very big plan. It’s important to embrace change, allow the process to happen, and always stay in a positive state of mind.

Now back to how we can get over that day from hell! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The breath is powerful! It’s a natural way to heal, just like crying. This may sound silly, but try breathing your bad day away. Yup I said it! Take deep (deeeep) breaths and as you exhale visualize the day or problem blowing away. Imagine feeling lighter and refreshed. Keep doing this for about five minutes, just a few times a day. I promise you, your awful day from hell, will dissipate faster then you imagined.

Smile… It makes you happy!


Recently I’ve been going through something rather difficult. I looked for anything to help lift my spirits while trying to stay healthy and present through this challenging time. I found smiling works! It honestly makes me feel better. Yeah, at first it feels awkward, fake smiling, but try it while you are doing your morning routine. I’ve added it to my meditation and it has made a big difference.

Here are a few smiling benefits I have found!

  •  Better Mood – The endorphins do more than kick stress to the curb. Endorphins lift your mood. Feeling down? Slap a smile on your face, even if it isn’t entirely genuine at first, and turn your entire day around with something simple, easy to do, and free.
  • Reduce Stress – Stress is a common problem in the modern world that causes a myriad of health problems. Stress relief may be as simple as smiling a little more throughout the day. Smiling releases endorphins that counteract and diminish the stress hormones
  • Increase Productivity – Smiling has been shown to increase productivity while performing tasks. There’s truth to the “whistle while we work” mentality. This also explains why silly internet memes and pictures of cute animals can actually get people motivated and working harder after a few moments of smiling or laughter.
  • Kill Pain – Smiling and laughter both have been shown to lessen pain. They release endorphins that lift our moods, but many of these act as natural painkillers too.
  • Boost Immune System – Smiles help the body relax and this lets the immune system react more quickly and effectively against invaders.

To see more benefits of smiling check out



Keep Calm and Carry on


When is the last time you focused on your breath? Think about it… For most of us it is never! We go through life breathing unconsciously and not even realizing how powerful our lungs are. Obviously oxygen is powerful. It gives us life. What if we used both our lungs and the oxygen as a stress reliever tool? You don’t need pills, drugs, or herbs to calm your mind and body. Check this: If we took a little time (at least five minutes) out of our day to focus on oxygen entering our lugs and how long we can hold it in, we would dramatically reduce any stress-related illnesses. We can literally use our breath as a natural healing tool. Our lungs are like a stress reliever tool box! How freaking cool is that!!? Here are two of my favorite, most powerful breathing techniques I use to keep calm through this sometimes stressful life.

Nadi Shodhana or “Alternate Nostril Breathing”
One of my favorites, this breath is said to bring calm and balance to your life, while uniting the right and left sides of the brain. Start in a comfortable meditative pose, hold the right thumb over the right nostril and inhale deeply through the left nostril. At the peak of inhalation, close off the left nostril with the ring finger, then exhale through the right nostril. Continue the pattern, inhaling through the right nostril, closing it off with the right thumb and exhaling through the left nostril.
Good Morning! Nadi shodhana is said to clear your mind and make you feel more awake. It’s like a cup of coffee without the caffeine or calories.

Sama Vritti or “Equal Breathing”
This is perfect to balance your mind and body. Begin with an inhale for a count of four, then exhale for a count of four *all through the nose, which adds a natural resistance to the breath. Each day gradually add a count and eventually you will get up to eight for maximum relaxation. This breathing exercise will calm the nervous system, increase focus and reduce stress.
Good Night! This technique is perfect before bed. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try Sama Vritti. I promise it will calm your mind from all those racing thoughts.