Sometimes, we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe it was our thoughts before we went to sleep, or our dreams throughout the night. We begin our day with the wrong energy and then go through the day collecting negative energy to feed the thought, which allows this thought to build it’s story. That story, becomes your awful day.
Sometimes we go out, get a little too intoxicated, and do something we wouldn’t normally do. I’ve had my embarrassing moments in the past. Some days can just be awful. I remember getting dumped and fired on the same day! Now, that was an awful day, it also took two weeks to get over! Only if it could take one day of healing for a bad day, but unfortunately it usually takes longer for the human brain, depending on the situation. So my question is how do we get over our awful day? I know the universe is always striving for us to succeed and I believe sometimes even if we don’t like it, the universe will throw us a curve ball and literally jerk us away from the current path. When I was fired from my part time job and dating a guy who was connected to the job, it ended everything in my current path. At the time it was heart-wrenching, I felt angry and betrayed by the universe. Being where I am today, I now know why I had that awful day. I now know, the universe had something so powerful in store for me. I had been excited and comfortable for something too small. I was settling. I do believe we all start somewhere and we all have a purpose. I believe we should enjoy the journey. When you have an awful day just remember, it’s a very small part in a very big plan. It’s important to embrace change, allow the process to happen, and always stay in a positive state of mind.
Now back to how we can get over that day from hell! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The breath is powerful! It’s a natural way to heal, just like crying. This may sound silly, but try breathing your bad day away. Yup I said it! Take deep (deeeep) breaths and as you exhale visualize the day or problem blowing away. Imagine feeling lighter and refreshed. Keep doing this for about five minutes, just a few times a day. I promise you, your awful day from hell, will dissipate faster then you imagined.